Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chinese Acrobats at the State Fair of Texas 2013

At the Chinese Lantern Festival at the Texas State Fair, the Chinese acrobats performed.  The performance was included in the $14 ticket price for the Chinese Lantern Festival.

#Chinese acrobats, #TXstatefair, #statefairoftexas, #texas state fair, #Chinese Lantern Festival,

Belly Dancers at the State Fair of Texas 2013

On the last Saturday of the fair, belly dancers performed outside of the Hall of State.

#texas state fair, #TXstatefair, #statefairoftexas, #belly dancers

Midway Greenhouse Trains and Pumpkins at Texas State Fair 2013

In the Greenhouse on the Midway, there were model trains on display.  There were also intricately carved pumpkins on display.  There was also a section of the greenhouse where children could paint small pumpkins.

Carved pumpkins
I had these same toy people as a child


Large view of waterfall

#texas state fair, #TXstatefair, #texasstatefair, #Midway Greenhouse

Texas Lottery at Texas State Fair 2013

I enjoyed stopping by the Texas Lottery booth at the State Fair.  I didn't buy any tickets, but I watched the festivities.  I saw them giving away free hats, but I was not close enough to get one.

The lucky people in the money grab machine tried to stuff as many bills in the box as they could as the fan blew the money all around them.  Then, once they had all the money collected, they were given lottery tickets for the value of the cash they had grabbed.

Lottery booth

Money grab machine

Money grab

#texas state fair, #TXstatefair, #texasstatefair

Ollie the Oak - Tree Man Stilt Walker at the Texas State Fair 2013

In the Greenhouse on the Midway, the Tree Man Stilt Walker Ollie the Oak performs each hour.  Ollie would hide and stay very still so that new visitors to the greenhouse do not notice him.  Then, he will greet them loudly and startle them.  I knew that he was there, so he didn't scare me.

Tree Man Stilt Walker Ollie the Oak

Ollie the Oak greeting visitors to the greenhouse

Me and Ollie

Ollie hiding in plain sight

Side view

Ollie with visitors

Ollie greeting someone

Tree man stilt walker

Ollie the Oak

#texas state fair, #TXstatefair, #texasstatefair, #Ollie the Oak, #Tree Man Stilt Walker

Buford Buzzard Show at the Texas State Fair 2013

Each year, I enjoy seeing the Buford Buzzard puppet show.  Buford makes comments to audience members and asks them funny questions.  He also says disparaging remarks in jest about people from Oklahoma.  It was neat to see the puppet interacting with the tree man stilt walker in the greenhouse.

#texas state fair, #TXstatefair, #texasstatefair, #Buford Buzzard

Pig Races at the Texas State Fair 2013

I enjoyed seeing the pig races at the fair.  There is always a big crowd for the pig races.

Video of pig races

Before the race
And they are off!
Coming around the bend
Midway through the race
Action shot of pig races
Pig 2 is winning
Large pig lags behind
Largest pig
Before the race
In the pen

#texas state fair, #TXstatefair, #texasstatefair, #pig Races